Saturday, November 1, 2008

Philly Parade!*^$&#%^@%!!!

Best Fucking Day Ever!!! This was a once in a lifetime experience! The fucking city was going insane! I couldn't believe Broad Street; people were hanging off the street lights, dancing on the roofs, banging and climbing on the cars in the street! My friend and I were almost crushed between emergency vehicles, and then we were almost run over by a tow truck! Breaking through police barriers, walking over a sea of beer cans, watching port-a-potties being tipped over with people still in them, pushing through massive crowds of people, and watching the events from inside the Lincoln Center!!! It was absolutely fucking awesome!!! Fucking Badical!!! Truly amazing!!! I feel sorry if you lived in the area and couldn't make it; a few of my friends couldn't get off from work and were unable to go! The only event I could liken it to was when the Soxs won the series a few years ago! I hope Chicago gets a win soon, because if they do I'm driving to Illinois just to see the celebration!