I was thinking to myself the other day about my all time favorite movie villains of all time. You know you've compiled you're own list before but never actually told anyone. So, I think I'll show mine to get the ball rolling here.
10. Saruman/ Christopher Lee (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
You know, you just can't beat Christopher Lee as a villain. He has a certain air of cunning and sophistication, not to mention that booming voice. Saruman was probably the best villain in the whole LOTR trilogy because of Lee's performance which seemed like Hitler-light. Just remembering him in the 2nd film speaking to the field of 10,000 Uruks before Helms Deep still gives me a bit of a chill. He also has the best Death scene of all the guys on this list, if you haven't seen the Extended Edition of the ROTK I order you to GO GET IT NOW!!!
9. Captain Barbossa/ Geoffrey Rush (Pirates of the Caribbean)
I had no real problem with Davy Jones, but he just wasn't on screen enough to fill Barbossa's boots. Barbossa was sharp, cunning, and extremely witty. His first exchange with Elizabeth outside of Port Royal proved to you two things...
1. Hey, this may be a pretty cool movie.
2. Hey, this dude is Boss!
"I am disinclined to acquiesce your request."
8. Dr. Rene Belloq/ Paul Freeman (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Belloq isn't truly evil, hell he's not really that bad. He makes this list because he is like the dark version of Indy. He is curious to a fault, proud, resourceful, intelligent. We are introduced to him as he rips an idol Indy nearly died for right out of his hand at arrow point. Let's also add that he allies himself with the Nazis for personal gain and tries to steal Indy's girl. He never finds anything wrong with this either, Jackass! He of course has the second coolest death when his head explodes in a classic, strangely gruesome for a PG-13 movie ending.
7.Freddy Krueger/ Robert Englund (Nightmare on Elm Street series)
Few of the 80's slashers are actually memorable for any reason other than they had so many god damn movies. Do you really think people will remember Jason Vorhees in another 20 years? Was Micheal Myers any good past the original Halloween? The only one of these guys who had a personality and a feature that set them apart like the old Universal Studios Monsters was good ol' Freddy! His ability to pursue people in the dream world makes this monster believably unstoppable. Every time he comes back, you understand why. He's an immortal Dream Demon, and he's very creative too. He's also the only slasher who will openly mock you while he hunts you down!
6. Norman Bates/ Anthony Perkins (Psycho)
"Mother? Oh, Mother Blood!!!" Classic lines from a man with split personalities. Come on, you can't say after seeing this fucker pop out wearing women's' clothing you weren't shocked! This guy is still effective today the way he was in the 60's. Hitchcock created the most demented movie villain of all time. That final shot of him looking up during his "Mother's" voice over and grinning is Scary! Norman was pure Movie Magic!
5. Darth Vader/ James Earl Jones: David Prowse (Star Wars Trilogy)
Is there really anything to say? I think we all know why he's here. You may ask why he's so low though, and all I can say to that is... Damn Prequel Trilogy!!!
4. Hans Gruber/ Alan Rickman (Die Hard)
Die Hard was the last and best of the 80's slam-bang action films. One of the reasons was Bruce Willis as John McClain, and the other was Alan Rickman's infamous Hans Gruber. Hans of course was an infamous terror meister who took 30 hostages and killed 2 in the pursuit of some extra cash. To think that he poses as a Euro trash terrorist and makes ridiculous demands in the pursuit of $$$. Not to mention the great scene where he ventures out looking for McClain, poses as a hostage who slipped away, all in order to find out who John was and why he was there. He then slips away after an awesome fire fight, leaving John picking glass out of his feet.
3. Lex Luthor/ Gene Hackman: Kevin Spacey (Superman Series)
How can one man do so much damage in a world that is defended by an active God?! Who is the Great?!? Why, only Lex Luthor! The Greatest Criminal Mind on Earth!!! Lex has put the earth in Jeopardy not once, but three times! He is the greatest antagonist to a Superhero there could be, I don't care what you say! A mortal man with no powers other than his own wit managed to bring Superman to the brink of death, what more could you want! He has also been played by two of the coolest actors in American film, Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey. I can't wait to see more of Spacey in the next Superman come '09, what will he do next?
2. Matthew Harrison Brady/ Frederic March (Inherit the Wind)
"Give me that old time religion" starts off one of the best Courtroom dramas of all time. A lot of you may be asking what "Inherit the Wind" was, all I can say is it's based on the Scopes-Monkey trial. Look, watch Brady go through his arguments and see if you don't here the "Intelligent" Design lobby today. Why Brady? Because he is an excellent speaker, and for a courtroom drama that means a lot. He is also not so much evil as he is misguided and stubborn. Frederic March was great in this, but if you can't find this one then rent the 1999 version with George C. Scott! You won't be disappointed.
1. Jim Taylor/ Edward Arnold (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington)
I LOVE THIS FILM! Jimmy Stewart is an outstanding actor, and so is Claude Rains. But what made this movie was it's ruthless business man villain. Jim is quite brutal, he will do whatever he has to in order to keep order in his state and keep the people on his side. That includes paying the cops to shut down rally in favor of Jeff Smith's filibuster, and even having his hired goons hurt the children who are running Smith's campaign. All of his actions lead up to one of the most moving endings in history. Frank Capra was a genius, see this film. I guarantee you will hate Jim Taylor as much as I do.
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There are some very cool villains on this list, and a few I didn't expect. The top two choices are interesting, as I tend to imagine a "villain" as someone with powers or gadgets, but villainy can also take a less fantastic form. The only real critique I can give your list is the lack of James Bond villains.
Superman 2, by the way, has been delayed to 2010 because of the Writer's Strike. :(
Yeah, the reason I didn't put any Bond villains on there is because I havn't actually see any of the older films. I know, a film geek should have watched all of the Bond films several times over now, but I just havn't had the opportunity yet.
I can't believe I'm not going to see SUpes again until 2010 at least. Life just sucks!
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