Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've found a new favorite blog

I'm sure we've all heard one of the now nightly reports on the worsening obesity "crisis" in the United States. I'm wondering if anyone else has watched these and began to grow skeptical with all the hoopla? If you have, then have I got the blog for you!

This is just one of the many articles on the website that works daily to wake people up to the truth about this supposed crisis that is affecting us all. According to the nightly news, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE HERE!!!

Here's a very disturbing article about something that's going on in the UK right now.

It reminds me of something my buddy JV over at Spaceworlder said back in January about what's going on with the relationship between government and peoples' daily lives. This is all scary, and I have a feeling that this is only the beginning. Anyone else getting that pre-eugenics feeling???

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